back from STATEOFTHENET, a sort of ;)

It has been a while since I first was thinking about posting in english, and after my conversation with Joshua at sotn i think that the time is now or never! 🙂

last weekend i’ve been in udine, at SOTN. A part from the beautiful sunshine, Sergio, Paolo and Benny made a very good job!!!
As I told Sergio there was a lot of geniune enthusiasm and the chemistry betweeen the contributors was clear and evident. Very good ideas -new ideas – good mixing.
I completely share what Mafe, Antonio, LaLui , Gigi e Joshua write in their posts.
my photos – of the second day – all the photos on flickr. Posts rated on blogbabel and on technorati .


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3 Responses to back from STATEOFTHENET, a sort of ;)

  1. thanks, antonio. 🙂

  2. silvia says:

    Ho visto che tra i partecipanti vi era Luca De Biase. Era ospite anche al Symposium di apertura al Bardi Web.

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